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The Assembly of Church Plenipotentiaries (KBV) is the highest decision-making body of a congregation. The church plenipotentiaries decide on the work of the congregation in broad terms, adopt the budget and the annual accounts, decide on strategic moves for the good of our German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Finland (DELGiF).
However, the KBV only meets two to four times a year in its meetings, which are open to everyone. The operational work, i.e. the day–to–day business, is the responsibility of the Church Council and its committees, advisory boards and directorates. And they have to be elected or appointed by the church officers for a term of two years. Every four years, the volunteer members of the church congregation are elected in congregational elections—this period now from 2023 to 2027.
The administration of a church congregation is similar to that of a city. The KBV is the highest decision–maker, while the planning, preparation and implementation of individual matters lies with the advisory boards and committees of the various ministries. The KBV of the German congregation consists of 15 members who jointly decide on the action plan, budget, building projects, establishment of ministries, etc., and elect some of the staff—such as pastor and cantor.
The eight members of the Church Council are elected by the KBV to manage the work of the administration and finances of the German Congregation in Finland, negotiate contracts and largely organise the filling of posts. The Church Council is chaired by the lead pastor.
For a term of two years each, the KBV elects committees, directorates, advisory boards and executive committees to prepare and make practical decisions in congregational work. More than 50 members of the congregation serve on a voluntary basis on the following committees: