Committees, directorates, advisory boards and executive committees in the congregation

The KBV elects committees, directorates, advisory councils and boards for a two–year term in order to prepare and take practical decisions in the congregation's work. All these bodies report to the Church Council (KR). The chairpersons of the committees are either congregation members or members of the KR. The meetings of the committees are not open to the public, and their minutes are confidential, as they often deal with personal matters or matters that are covered by confidentiality. More than fifty members of the congregation are involved in these committees on a voluntary basis and help to ensure that we can continue to be a vibrant congregation of Jesus Christ in times like these.

  • Diaconia Committee, Diaconia Board
  • Building committee, real estate management of the congregation
  • Management, Board of Directors of the German Elderly Residence (DSWH)
  • Fund Board of the German Elderly Residence (DSWH)
  • Kindergarten Directorate
  • Music committee, advisory board for music work
  • Finance Department (FA)
  • Election Committee
  • Chapel Council in Turku